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About Us



The Kings Rugby Development Academy has the principle aim of uplifting the youth of Kibera out of hopeless poverty. To provide them with the opportunity to see their individual worth and fulfill their potential.

The aim is to teach positive life skills and aid the development of the whole person; physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. We want to provide healthy role models via positive coaching and peer relationships and provide another alternative for the youth, one that helps them avoid the desperate descent into antisocial behaviour.

Our vision is to have 10 Kings Rugby Development Academy’s bringing change to the lives of 2,500 children.The KRDA is a beacon of hope for the Kibera boys and girls, which shows that their lives are not destined to be in poverty.

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Our mission is to connect with Rugby Unions, National teams, local league rugby clubs and schools. To identify and engage ambassadors that will champion and promote the upliftment of children out of extreme poverty. To connect each child to a rugby family for their personal needs; food, education healthcare and other basic needs.

For the success of the vision of 10 King’s Rugby Development Academy’s, we need to identify new sites and build a coaching team. The KRDA will need 8 new sites and 170 coaches. Also, it will need to source full kit for every child and the necessary rugby equipment: balls, pumps, pins, cones, bibs, tags, whistles etc.

To transport the children out of the Kibera, buses need to be purchased. To feed the children on Sunday mornings, the KRDA will have to recruit cooks from Kibera, find appropriate cooking facilities and the transport needed to deliver the food to the KRDA sites.Through the social enterprise Mini Tag and the KRDA league, we aim to create self-sustainability within 10 years.

Become a Part of Something Bigger. Together, we’re creating a future where all children have a chance to succeed. Join Us!
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